Punched Potatoes


Bacalhau with Broa



Ingredients (4-5 servings)

  • 4 bacalhau (dried and soaked codfish) pieces (200g/7oz each)
  • 10 garlic cloves
  • 1/2 broa (cornbread)
  • olive oil, salt, chili pepper flakes, q.s.

Instructions (Time: 1 hour)

Broa might be the most difficult ingredient to get for this recipe. I’ve never made broa and from what I’ve heard it’s somewhat difficult. I will try to make it and I’ll share the recipe at a later time. Chop the broa with a food processor if you have one or with your hands.



It will crumble to pieces. Add some olive oil (~2 tablespoons), the garlic, a bit of salt and a bit of chili pepper flakes.



Place the bacalhau on a baking tray. Just look at these beautiful pieces of bacalhau.



Press the broa mixture on top of the bacalhau and don’t worry if it falls in the baking tray. Pour olive oil in the baking tray until it reaches 1/3 of the pieces. Bake in a preheated oven to 200ºC (390ºF) for 40 min (I lowered the temperature to 180ºC (350ºF) for the last 10 minutes because the broa was getting too dark).



Serve with punched potatoes or with some boiled cabbage.




Basic White Bread



Ingredients (1 loaf)

  • 500g (4 1/3 cups) strong white flour (check note)
  • 350g (12.35oz) cold water
  • 10g (0.35oz) salt
  • 20g (0.7oz) baker’s yeast

Note: The flour plays an important role in the way your bread will look and how it will taste. I used a T55 type of flour considering the Portuguese nomenclature. In Denmark, they identify the flour by the percentage of protein - in this case 12%. You can check here for different kinds of flour and how to identify them. Also, keep in mind that if you want a darker bread you should use a stronger flour (or a combination of two kinds).

Instructions (Time: 6 hours)

Start by crumbling the yeast in the flour with your hands. Dissolve the salt in the water and add it to the flour and yeast.



Mix well and now it’s time to work the dough. If kneading the dough by hand, it might take you 15-20 minutes. You want an elastic dough that doesn’t break when pulled. Because you’re using 70% water, the dough will be a bit wet and it will seem unmanageable at first. But it will soon become easier and it won’t stick to your hands as much. Once you’re done kneading, cover the bowl with a kitchen towel and let it prove in the fridge overnight, or leave it out for 3-4 hours (or until it doubled in size). I like to keep it overnight so that it can acquire a sightly bitter taste.



The next day (or a few hours later), shape the dough and let it rise in a floured oven tray, until it has doubled in size. If you left the dough in the fridge overnight, it will take a while to get to room temperature and rise accordingly. Mine took about an hour. Cutting the dough on top is optional. Place a baking tin on the bottom of the oven with water, and bake in a preheated oven to 230ºC (450ºF) for 15 minutes, lower the temperature to 200ºC (400ºF) and bake for 30-40 minutes (the steam from the water will make the crust softer).



To check if the bread is baked properly, tap the bottom of the loaf and look for a hollow sound. Let it cool down before slicing it.


Serve and enjoy your homemade loaf of bread.




Apple Flan



Ingredients (10 servings)

  • 100g (1/2 cup) sugar
  • 40g (1/3 cup) flour
  • 4 cooking apples
  • 1 egg
  • 2.5dl (1 cup) milk
  • 1 tablespoon butter (plus more butter for the baking dish)
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla sugar 

Instructions (Time: 1 hour)

Grease a baking dish with some butter. Wash your apples (I used Royal Gala but you can use other type of cooking apples).



Peel the apples, slice them in four and put them in some fresh water with a few drops of lemon. Finely slice the apples and place them on the bottom of the baking dish. I used a food processor and that is why it looks a bit messy, but I actually like how it came out in the end.



Dissolve the flour in the milk, add the egg and the vanilla and spread on top of the apples. Spread the sugar on top of everything.



Cut the butter in tiny bits and place it on top of the sugar. Bake in a preheated oven to 160ºC (320ºF) until it turns golden.


Serve warm or cold with a good cup of tea.



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